Friday, March 5, 2010

The Weekly Quarterly

Hello to anyone who actually reads this. I'm in the process of moving my blog to Tumblr. At the moment, I'm thinking I'll still keep this blog up (just in case I decide to come back). Until I make my decision, I'll be at

Come visit me!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Exposition

Well, I've been out of a job for nearly three weeks now and have sent out numerous resumes with no results. My move to Los Angeles has proved to be as difficult as I knew it would be but hoped it wouldn't.

Ever since my temporary position concluded here in AZ, I've had plenty of time to scour the internet for open job positions -- and believe me, I have. So much so, it seems I'm in the process of developing eye-strain. OK, so the 'Spaced' marathon I had this weekend on might have contributed, but I was ALSO working on my resume during a couple episodes. Don't judge me. Anyway, I've been squinting quite a bit this week and getting headaches which has put a damper on my search. I really should take a day or so off, but you know as soon as I do, the perfect job will be posted and I'll miss it. That's what happens in the sitcoms anyway.

So, the current deal is (for those who want to know) is that I can't find an apartment/room in L.A. because I don't have a job and therefore don't have proof of income which any and ALL landlords are requiring nowadays. Rightfully so. And I can't find a job in L.A. (theoretically) because I'm applying with an AZ mailing address. Who's going to hire a girl in AZ for an entry-level job in a megalopolis full of wannabes?

So, it's a vicious cycle. Not knowing anyone to crash with in L.A. has proven to be a critical disadvantage I can do nothing about. Staying in a hotel room for only 5 days would burn up 1/5th of my hard earned savings and I'm pretty sure it's gonna take a couple of weeks to apply, interview and obtain a job...even with Target (which is starting to look pretty darn good about now, by the way).

Anyway, I have no idea how this is all going to work out, but I do know that it's going to work out. Failure is not an option. I'll probably struggle along the way, but it'll only make me stronger. I have what it takes. I just have to prove it. Prove it to myself and to the hiring managers in the greater Los Angeles area.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Toast to 2010

2010. The old year has been left behind and a new year is before us. Looking back, the past year has been full of great change for me. I willingly left a secure job to chase my dream across the country with no promise of a job in sight (and no real idea of how to get one). I’ve left behind amazing opportunities, even more amazing friends and family who support and love me, and security; I’ve left behind any kind of security I’ve ever had.

Last year was full of firsts: I visited Oklahoma, New Mexico, and California for the first time, I drove across country through these states (by myself), hotel stays by myself, toured one of the Navy’s most BA* active missile destroyers, and saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time.

I’ve just completed the most unstable and exciting year ever and 2010 doesn't look to disappoint. I just got back from my very first trip to Nevada where I visited Las Vegas. While there, I lost $40 bucks, ate amazing food, and saw a cute guy check me out…repeatedly. Not a bad start to the year!

I'm temping with an AMAZING company which is about to end soon, and at that point, I get to play the exciting game again: "Where Will Megan End Up Next?" Well, with my eyes on the prize of fulfilling my dream of becoming a film editor, I'm still looking west. I'm like Indiana Jones in the Canyon of the Crescent Moon trying not to make a wrong move so I can cross over unseen obstacles to reach the Holy Grail. Oh--always remember that in the Latin alphabet, Jehovah starts with an "I."

(Oh yes I did!)

Anyway, I'm excited for what this year holds for me. I'm starting to apply to jobs in California that will get me on, or near, the path to becoming an editor. I'm starting to take better care of myself so I can turn 30 as a hot, middle-aged-thang. And I'm going to enjoy every second of my single life until I discover who Mr. Right is…and then I'll REALLY enjoy every second of my life after that!

So, here's to 2010. May it be the most BA* year ever!

*Bad Ass

**The photo of the USS Halsey was discovered on Wikipedia. It's in the Public Domain.

***The photo of the Bellagio Fountain was taken by me. Please don't steal it.